If you’ve never used a drill before, this project is the perfect place to start. I picked up this cigar box at an auction ($2 score!), but you can pretty much find them at most thrift stores or online. I chose to do a monogram, but the possibilities are endless!
Hey guys! Today I'm going to show you how to make your very own wire headband. They're super cute, super easy to make, and the wire makes them defy the rule of headscarves/headbands. Which is to say, they actually stay on your head! Yesssssss!
Keep organized with your own custom-made leather day planner. For added embellishment, choose a color of thread that contrasts with that of the leather.
By now you’re probably heading back to the classroom and prepping for a year of learning. It’s such an exciting time — you’ve decked out your locker, selected a brand new backpack, and are catching up with old pals. And here at The Stylehouse we think back to school is even more exciting when you can customize and decorate your school supplies to fit your own style. To help you personalize your gear we’ve teamed up with DIY extraordinaire, Amy of Homey Oh My! blog to create these darling little notebooks! Go ahead and kick off the new school year with these cute, decorated notebooks and easy DIY labels, here’s how…